TRALALATRILILI is a self-published zine that pays homage to Indonesian children’s songs in its heyday, from the early ‘90s all the way to the early 2000s. The creation behind the zine departed from our admiration for popular Indonesian children’s songs during the decade, which we listened to growing up. Hence the title “TRALALATRILILI”, which is derived from a beloved ‘90s kids TV show of the same name that televised clips of these songs.
Laden with wry commentaries, the zine dedicates each page to 15 memorable children’s songs through completely fabricated stories: tongue-in-cheek narratives that are taken out of context and placed among today’s local zeitgeist.
From the iconic Bolo-Bolo to the patriotic Aku Cinta Rupiah, each fictitious account in TRALALATRILILI is downright irreverent and remotely nostalgic, yet it offers compelling speculations on the peculiar world of child singers and all the glitz and glam that comes with it.
Print Design, Art Direction | December 2020
Creative Direction / Leonardo Laurensius
Photography & Production / Mutiara Suryadini
Words / Pingkan Palilingan